How to Identify the Ivy

What does it look like?

Poison Ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) is a vine-like plant with clusters of leaves that generally come in threes. You may have heard the saying "Leaves of three leave it be" which isn't necessarily true since they are actually three leaflets that make up one larger leaf.

Poison Ivy comes in many different shapes and sizes. This is why it is so hard to identify. The shape could range from smooth, wavy, lobed, or toothed along the edges. In the fall, like most trees, the ivy changes from green to yellow and finally red, additionally in the spring the plant has a purpleish/red glistening when they first come out!

How to Avoid Poison Ivy

Since poison ivy varies heavily it can be hard to avoid. The best thing to do because of this is to simply watch your surroundings and stay on trails or areas you know there is no poison ivy. However, that is not always possible so to avoid getting rashes or infections try wearing long pants and long-sleeved clothing.  Generally stay away from plants with leaves consisting of 3 leaflets if you are unsure. Additionally, if you know you have come in contact with the ivy wash that area as soon as possible to reduce the risk of infection. Lastly if you believe you have come into contact with poison ivy wash not only yourself but also any clothes or shoes you may have been wearing.

There are many apps that can help you recognize plants such as poison ivy. We use an app by the name Picture This to help us identify the ivy when in the field. Downlading apps such as this and using it when unsure can help you learn to identify poison ivy.